cssSlider 2.1
25.3 MB

cssSlider 2.1

cssSlider lets your create beautiful image sliders entirely in CSS code
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2.1 See all
CSS Slide
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
25.3 MB

cssSlider is a handy application that lets you create image sliders for being embedded into your website. It lets you create image sliders in an easy and convenient manner, without requiring you to have any coding knowledge or programming skills. Since it creates the image sliders using only CSS code and no JavaScript or VBScript, the created sliders will be compatible with the vast majority of web browsers, as well as with mobile phones. The created sliders will even be Retina-ready, meaning they will be flawlessly displayed on newer Apple devices too. They’re also responsive and fully adaptable to any sizes. Last but not least, since it doesn't use images for styling, the skin colors can be easily changed while using cssSlider.

What I also like about cssSlider is the fact that it comes with a number of predefined skins and effects, letting you create amazing-looking sliders even faster and easier. Almost every aspect of the created gallery is fully customizable, including the appearance of controls and buttons. Furthermore, there are plenty of publishing options, including publishing directly to an FTP server.

To sum it all up, cssSlider is a great tool of undeniable help to anyone in need of creating impressive image galleries for online publishing.

MS Senior editor
Margie Smeer
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Easy to use
  • Comes with predefined skins and effects
  • Lightweight
  • Fully compatible with almost any browser


  • A bit pricey

Comments (1)

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The official home page for the cssslider does not even work properly using Chrome on a Samsung Galaxy S6. Their own example product does not work correctly on this configuration as used by tens of millions of people! On a desktop or tablet there are two caption panels on each background image. On mobile in portrait, only one shows - the main one is hidden. Also, when you touch the slider (which is unavoidable as it fills the screen) it stops working, and cannot be re-activated. I was about to buy, until I tested more thoroughly and discovered this. This product is not fit for purpose. It is only half-finished. No wonder there is no comprehensive documentation or forum advertised. Very disappointing.

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